When you’ve been injured in an accident, it can seem like the system is conspiring against you. The insurance company refuses to return your calls, and your doctor suggests you get a second opinion. You’re still trying to figure out if your injury is worth pursuing a claim or if it’s even possible to recover compensation for your incurred damages. But don’t worry! Several important signs indicate that you need a personal injury attorney — and we’ll explain what they mean so that by the time we meet with them (and hopefully win), it will be clear why they were right all along.
You have a lot of medical bills.
Medical bills can be expensive, and it’s important to know how much you’ll pay yourself or your insurance company for any injuries sustained in an accident. If you need to pay for your medical treatment, this will add another layer of complexity to a complicated situation. To make matters worse, the insurance company may not cover all the costs associated with treatment after an accident—it’s up to them who they choose to cover and who doesn’t get covered at all (which could mean paying out-of-pocket).
The insurance company won’t talk with you.
The insurance company will be easy to deal with if you have a personal injury attorney. However, it can be more complex. Insurance companies have a lot of lawyers on staff, and they’re trained to be difficult to deal with. They’ll try to make you feel like you’re a nuisance and won’t want to discuss your case.
When dealing with an insurance company as part of the claim process, several things can help make sure that both parties get what they need from each other:
The adjuster offers you a lowball settlement.
A lowball settlement is when the insurance adjuster offers you a much lower payment than they normally pay.
You can ask for more money and get it. You may have to hire an attorney, but it’s worth it if your injuries are serious enough. You can get a better settlement if you have medical bills or lost wages (if you were unable to work due to injuries). Any evidence that the damage was caused by someone else, such as an auto accident or workplace injury, could also increase your recovery!
The insurance company won’t return your calls
- The insurance company needs to return your calls.
- They are not answering their phones, and you can’t get a hold of them through email or social media messaging.
- You have left messages, but they have not called you back to confirm that they received the letter and that it was forwarded to their attention as requested (this is called “return receipt”).
You don’t know how much your claim is worth.
To file a personal injury claim, you must get Gainesville Injury Attorneys to help you determine how much that claim is worth. Your lawyer will be able to advise on whether or not the insurance company offers enough money for your injuries and, if so, what type of settlement offer they should make for them to make sure they get paid back as much as possible.
Regardless of the situation, remember that it’s always best to speak with an attorney before taking legal action. They can help protect your rights and get compensation for your injuries or losses as quickly as possible.