Women Law

How to Define Emotionally Abusive Relationships

The difference between abusive and healthy relationships is that the former tends to be one-sided. In emotional abuse, the victim feels so controlled and manipulated that they begin to believe their partner’s words are true. They often feel like they’re living with a stranger. There are some common warning signs of emotional abuse:

If you’ve been in an emotionally abusive relationship, you know how challenging it can be to define what that means. I will walk you through my journey of getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship. I’ll talk about what I learned, the roadblocks I encountered, and how you can also navigate your way out of one.

I’ve been married to my husband for almost 18 years. During those 18 years, he has been verbally abusive toward me. I was a college student when I met him. He was a teacher at the time. During my first semester of college, he was the only person who took the time to help me with my assignments.

We tend to experience a lot of ups and downs. Some days we are in a wonderful emotional place with our partner; on other days, the emotional temperature in the relationship gets very hot or cold. This is perfectly normal and part of what makes relationships fun and interesting. However, when the emotional temperature is very high and the relationship becomes emotionally abusive, it can harm the individual and the relationship itself.

Emotionally Abusive

What is emotional abuse?

The American Psychological Association defines emotional abuse as “a pattern of verbal or psychological behavior that causes a partner or family member to feel humiliated, belittled, intimidated, threatened, exposed, isolated from others, or controlled in an unhealthy manner.”

I’ll share with you the signs of an emotionally abusive relationship, and I’ll share with you the roadblocks you can encounter along the way.

I’ll also share my personal story of leaving an emotionally abusive relationship. My account may differ from yours, but we can learn from each other.

What are the signs of emotional abuse?

After my first year of college, I worked full-time. I would come home, and he would yell at me for no reason. I did everything he asked me to do and never got anything back. I would ask him repeatedly for something he already knew I needed.

I couldn’t sleep because he would wake me up at night, telling me that I needed to stop being so lazy and get up to get ready for work. I’d wake up and find myself staring at the clock at 2 am and wondering why I was still awake.

He never understood that I couldn’t get out of bed because of the fear that he’d be angry at me. He’d keep repeating how I didn’t appreciate his hard work.

What to do if you are in an emotionally abusive relationship

I will walk you through my experience of getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship. I’ll talk about what I learned, the roadblocks I encountered, and how you can also navigate your way out of one.

We are not talking about verbal abuse. We’re talking about emotional abuse. This is where a partner controls and manipulates you to make you feel worthless.

A good friend told me she wanted to get out of her marriage. I asked why. She said that her husband was controlling and emotionally abusive.

She told me he never let her speak without saying something negative about herself. He controlled her life by being overly protective of her. He would yell at her but never hit her. He would call her names but never physically harm her. His goal was to control her every move.


What are the signs of emotional maltreatment?

In this blog, I will explain emotional abuse, how it affects women, and what to look for. I will also advise on how to identify it and what to do when you’re in an abusive relationship.

Emotional abuse can be subtle, but it is there. You might notice verbal insults, physical abuse, control, and manipulation as a victim.

If you’re looking for a partner, you must understand that an abuser will try to control every aspect of your life. Your partner will influence your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions.

It can start with the smallest things, like what you eat, where you go, what you wear, or even how you spend your free time.

The abuser will control you until you no longer see yourself as human. You no longer live when you see yourself as an object or a tool. You become a slave.

Frequently Asked Questions Emotionally Abusive

Q: How do you define emotionally abusive relationships?

A: Emotionally abusive relationships involve an abuser who uses their power over another to manipulate and control them in various ways. Examples of this include: belittling or ridiculing their partner, withholding love, affection, respect, trust, or support, or using physical or sexual violence as a way of controlling them.

Q: How does a person know if they are in an emotionally abusive relationship?

A: You can tell if someone is emotionally abusive if they use the above techniques to manipulate and control you.

Q: How do you know if it is not your fault and you should stay?

A: The best way to know if your relationship is healthy is to determine if it has some qualities: honesty, kindness, affection, and respect. If you have these qualities, you have nothing to fear from your partner.

Top 3 Myths About Emotionally Abusive

1. People with severe depression are just depressed.

2. People with mild depression are just sad.

3. People who become suicidal or violent have severe mental illnesses.


It’s important to note that emotional abuse is different than physical abuse. Many people confuse the two, and they’re not mutually exclusive. Emotional abuse is a precursor to physical abuse. If someone is abusive towards you emotionally, likely, they’ll eventually become abusive toward you physically. The first step to getting away from an emotionally abusive relationship is to realize that you’re in one. If you have any questions about any of the information in this article, don’t hesitate to contact me, and I’ll be happy to help you!

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